Fuel for Thought

Ideas to Revolutionize Our Lives, Improve Civilization, and Build a Better World

By Gabriel Wilensky

Fuel for Thought: Ideas to Revolutionize Our Lives, Improve Civilization, and Build a Better World identifies what factors are detrimental to human progress and the well-being of society and makes far-reaching recommendations for actions that progressive parents, educators, policy-makers, and any concerned person can take to create a world based on Truth, Virtue, Beauty, Knowledge and Ideals.

about the Author

Gabriel Wilensky

Hi! I am Gabriel Wilensky, founder and President of Thought Academy, a website dedicated to teaching people how to think critically and rationally. Using reason for everything we do in life is critical to make the world a better place. This subject is one of the major topics of Fuel for Thought.

Other Books & Articles

Six Million Crucifixions

Traces the history of antisemitism in Christianity and the role that played in making possible the Holocaust.

Two Dozen Thoughts

Two Dozen Thoughts is a collection of essays on the topics of Christian antisemitism and the role that played in paving the road to the Holocaust, the role of the churches, and the curia during and after the Second World War.

This book is complementary to the much deeper and broader Six Million Crucifixions.

You may download Two Dozen Thoughts for free.


Articles on miscellaneous topics.


A topic worthy of analysis and an analyst worthy of the topic.

MIchael Berenbaum

Sigi Ziering Institute


Wilensky has read widely, thought deeply, and writes persuasively.

Dr. Geoffrey Cocks

Albion College


Wilensky writes for the general reader, making the complex issues accessible to a wide audience.

Frederic Krome

University of Cincinnati

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